Silvia Ricci è la nuova Vicepresidente ANCE con Delega alla Transizione Ecologica
Ricci S.p.A apre le porte all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Since its establishment , Ricci S.p.A. has considered the reduction of environmental impact in the construction sector of fundamental importance, adhering, among the first, to the code of conduct promoted by Assimpredil Ance “Sustainable Impact Site” which commits companies to Concrete and measurable behaviors for decarbonization, environmental protection, legality, labor regularity, safety, for social and supply chain compliance.
To efficiently monitor and minimize the environmental impact of the Yard, with a view to the circularity of production processes, Ricci S.p.A. activates strict control processes in its yards:
– Control and monitoring of water and electricity consumption directly on site. , in accordance with Goal 12 of the international SDG’S;
– Differentiation and supervision of the entire cycle and disposal of waste materials throughout the duration of the construction site.
In addition, since 2018 Ricci S.p.A. has been a partner of the GREEN Observatory of the Bocconi University of Milan
in order to give substance to the awareness of sustainability and circular economy issues and for the dissemination of sustainable building practices and research results.
The same project is being studied by Assolombarda and the “Rectors’ Table” of the universities of Lombardy, with which Ricci S.p.A. directly interfaces.
Ricci S.p.A apre le porte all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Ricci S.p.A apre le porte all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Bernina 7 ottiene il livello argento del CIS – Cantiere Impatto Sostenibile
Certificazione “Cantiere Impatto Sostenibile” livello argento per Via Bernina, 7
FIABCI Italia per Ricci S.p.A.
Prosegue la collaborazione con il centro di ricerca #GREEN dell’ Università Bocconi di Milano…
Registered office
Ricci S.p.A
Via Sabotino 45 – Roma, 00195
P.Iva 01777861004
CF 07442170580
Headquarters Rome
Viale Luigi Schiavonetti, 282
Pal. D, 00173 Roma