Ricci S.p.A. ancora a sostegno della Cultura e dell’Arte con la sponsorizzazione della Mostra RANE, di Mario Ricci
Ricci S.p.A. ancora a sostegno della Cultura e dell’Arte con la sponsorizzazione della Mostra RANE, di Mario Ricci.
Building solid relationships between the worlds of Culture and Entrepreneurship is the commitment Ricci S.p.A. makes by fostering the promotion of projects aimed at the popularization of Art. Under the Paretidarte brand, Ricci S.p.A. promotes projects related to cultural popularization. In particular, it supports Rome’s Teatro Vittoria to increase artistic and cultural affirmation in the capital, and actively collaborates on initiatives at Teatro Franco Parenti and Bagni Misteriosi in Milan.
With Paretidarte, Ricci S.p.A. wants to strengthen its ties with the world of Art, with the aim of fostering a new conception in which Business and Culture travel at the same step. Ricci S.p.A. believes that the protection of Culture, in all its forms, must be constantly cultivated so that it can return to its primary role.
Silvia Ricci presents the 2023-2024 season titled “Put on Prose!” under the artistic direction of Viviana Toniolo and the Actors and Technicians Company.
Ricci S.p.A. again this year confirms its full support and backing for this historic Roman theater in the heart of the Testaccio District and for art in all its forms.
Ricci S.p.A.’s support for two important theaters on the national scene, Milan’s Teatro Franco Parenti and Rome’s Teatro Vittoria, is consolidated year by year.
Silvia Ricci’s joining the Board of Directors of Teatro Vittoria in 2021 represents an active commitment of Ricci S.p.A. in the field of art, which with Paretidarte contributes to the promotion and communication of artistic initiatives, thus confirming its support for the world of culture and entertainment.
In 2022 Ricci S.p.A. partnered with RUFA to launch the Call for ideas “ART IN CONSTRUCTION – Culture, Enterprise, Territory” under the patronage of City Hall II of the Municipality of Rome.
An initiative created with the intention of uniting the world of Art and Entrepreneurship in a new concept in which Business and Culture travel hand in hand.
The contest, conceived by Claudio Ricci and promoted and funded by Ricci S.p.A., raffled off a scholarship for the winning artist.
Ricci S.p.A. ancora a sostegno della Cultura e dell’Arte con la sponsorizzazione della Mostra RANE, di Mario Ricci.
“Arte in Costruzione”: si aggiudica la vittoria il progetto “I rami che raccontano” della studentessa Alexandra Fongaro.
Ricci S.p.A. stringe una partnership con RUFA per lanciare la Call for ideas “ARTE IN COSTRUZIONE – Cultura, Impresa, Territorio” con il patrocinio del Municipio II del Comune di Roma.
Registered office
Ricci S.p.A
Via Sabotino 45 – Roma, 00195
P.Iva 01777861004
CF 07442170580
Headquarters Rome
Viale Luigi Schiavonetti, 282
Pal. D, 00173 Roma