The tallest crane ever seen in the historic centre of Venice has been set up at Palazzo Donà Giovannelli!

palazzo Giovannelli

Last night the tallest crane ever seen in the historic centre of Venice was set up on the Palazzo Donà Giovannelli building site!
Transported on a barge from the Grand Canal, rotated and positioned by a mechanical arm on the Salida di Santa Fosca, the imposing crane travelled along the stretch of Strada Nova to the entrance of the building site with millimetric manoeuvres on a remotely controlled tractor with twin wheels.

Last night’s titanic feat was made possible thanks to the collaboration and synergy of all the people working on this magnificent project:
Gruppo Barletta , RosewoodHotel, Sacis, Metroplan, CultureInArchitecture, HA_Associati

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